Today was pretty exciting... not quite as busy but definitely as fun as was yesterday! The day started early, but it moved along well. Katy and I went to breakfast at 9:45 and got back to the room around 10:30. We were going to head to High Street to buy a few things we need, but decided to wait until right before lunch--bad idea. I slept from 10:30 until 12:40! I couldn't stay awake! We had a BBQ planned at 1:00 PM so we walked over there and met with a few businesses around here and travel companies. One booth was a gym and I really do want to join it but for the three months we're here it would cost me 99 pounds total... I just feel like I would rather spend that on food and traveling, but I also think joining would make me feel more at home. Let me know what you think!
After lunch, we went back to the room and I got a call from Nora! She is on her way to Italy (check out HER blog--I'm a follower) and is in London today and tomorrow. She is staying at the Holiday Inn (I didn't even know there were Holiday Inns and Best Westerns here...) right near us so Katy and I make the five-minute trek to see her (and take pictures, as you can see)! It was so great to see her!! I can't believe she's going to Italy. SO COOL. Although, I really have no grounds to complain... :)

Katy and I headed to dinner with the girls in the triple next to our room, Emily (who also goes to Drake), Bess, and Kristen. They're really fun to be with--definitely lucked out there! After dinner, Bess and Kristen headed to their own plays, but Emily, Katy, and I saw the Lion King (complete with pictures there too, of course)! It was absolutely spectacular. It doesn't hurt that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lion King! Emily had to sit by an English woman who seemed pleasant at first... but then started talking about all the bombings going on which ended up being a little freaky and weird. We wandered around the area when the play ended and got a little lost but finally figured out where the tube station was and headed home! All in all a fun day. Tomorrow should be good too--boat party! Although, it could be a bit chilly... hopefully not too bad.
Also, I have most of my pictures on my Facebook, but I'll put up the ones of our room on this page because there aren't many. Sorry I'm a bit boring and matter-of-fact... I'll try to add some comic relief in occasionally!
I love seeing the pictures of your room. Dad said it looked very English whatever that means. I don't think you should join the gym. I think you're better off spending the money on other things (or places). Also, I don't think your blog is boring. I love soaking in all your adventures through your eyes. Love, Mom :)